That’s how you do it! Put cameras in the right locations

I was working in a site and saw a great example of how you should use multiple cameras to get identification and observe coverage. In this case they were Samsung CCTVcameras.
The closest camera gives a 8 metre wide overview and the others cover 2 metres wide for ID at the counter.

samsung security camera

If more CCTV training was provided to sales and installers to design coverage like this, the conviction rate would increase exponentially. Again I recommend pre modelling the systems performance with 3D drawing software.


[easyazon-block asin=”B0018AUSBC” align=”center”]

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  1. Scriven King November 26, 2011 at 12:42 am #

    That is pretty cool. Do you think the reason we don’t is because of an assumption the sales/tech believed they already have “enough” coverage and don’t want to increase the cost and consequently lose the sale. Angles like that do make it difficult to shroud your appearance and thus avoid detection.

    • Tim Norton November 26, 2011 at 4:13 am #

      I think there are two reasons.
      1 the sales person does not have any training in CCTV so doesn’t realise that they are selling something that won’t work.
      2 they believe if they try to sell the clients 3 cameras and the next guy says one will do, they will loose the sale.

      The answer
      Educate the client with facts and back them up with supporting examples such as 3D designs

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