[easyazon-image-link asin=”B000V5T4BU” alt=”Sony EVI D70 – CCTV camera – PTZ – color – 1/4″ – optical zoom: 18 x” src=”http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31YEjsidmuL._SL75_.jpg” align=”right” width=”75″ height=”75″]It is unfortunate that many do not provide when it comes to identifying people. While the quality is improving with , the fundamental errors are still common. A frequent mistake is trying to […]

Get Identification Quality Surveillance from Budget Cameras
Surveillance cameras are in most shops you walk into and yet a significant amount of the time they never produce results that lead to a conviction. The most common reason for this is the camera angles are too broad. In a recent post, I commented on a coffee shop I had been in that had […]

Add ID Quality Surveillance Images for less than $30
Did you know that for as little as $30 you can improve the chances of identifying a suspect? So many small shops with a large amount of cash handling have surveillance cameras and a DVR but have them installed to only overview the area. For example, a coffee shop I was in today had a […]

Video Surveillance for ID quality
Having represented the CCTV industry for 22 years, it still astounds me why many installers of video surveillance still do not understand the requirements to make a CCTV image useful. The above image is a good image but it does not meet the requirement. Industry standards do exist but outside of government are seldom followed. […]