I am looking to bring in some wrist watches with inbuilt spy cameras and audio recording. From the list below, which design would you be more inclined to wear? Please put your preference in the comments below.
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Evaluation of the ACTi KCM-7211 4MP
[easyazon-image-link asin=”B005IZZ854″ alt=”Acti KCM-7211 H.264/M-JPEG/MPEG-4 MP Outdoor Vandal D&N IP, 4MP, w/ 2-way audio, OmniVision CMOS BSI” src=”http://cctvdesign.online/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/image_thumb7.png” alt=”ACTi KCM-7211 4MP” width=”244″ height=”213″ align=”right” border=”0″ [/easyazon-image-link] has released the latest in their surveillance camera mega pixel range. A with true day night switching, a 3.3-12mm motorised zoom lens with p-iris lens and two way audio. […]